About Us
In 1999, Vernetta entered a doctoral program in English on a full fellowship that allowed her to focus on her studies. Having earned her B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in four years and her M.A. in English from North Carolina A&T State University in a year and a half, Vernetta expected to obtain her Ph.D. within four years.
Life happened, and Vernetta faced the reality of being "ABD" (All But Dissertation). After her fellowship ended in year fours, Vernetta obtained a position as a Department Chair at a private college, working 50+ hours a week while writing her dissertation. In the midst of work and academic demands, Vernetta relocated an ill family member from another state to live with her. The family, financial and personal challenges persisted as the daunting task of writing a dissertation remained Vernetta's reality. Academically, she persevered through four dissertation chairs, including the unexpected death of her first one. Without God placing ONE faculty member in Vernetta's life as a mentor, consistent encourager and source of insight into higher education culture, Vernetta still would be "ABD" today.

Founder - Vernetta K. Mosley, PhD
Finally, eight years after starting a doctoral program, Vernetta became Dr. Vernetta K. Mosley (Williams). Since earning a PhD, she has utilized her training, expertise and credentials to assist universities, government agencies and companies in providing budding scholars and employees with the writing, communication and leadership skills needed to thrive. As someone who has had to develop translatable and transferrable skills, Vernetta understands that technical knowledge, degrees and subject matter expertise produce limited success. Therefore, removing barriers to educational and career advancement via skill development motivates Vernetta professionally.
As CEO of Cultivate the Writer (CTW), Vernetta is committed to the mission of cultivating writers, critical thinkers, effective communicators and skilled leaders across academe and industry. During her tenure as a faculty member and academic administrator, Vernetta developed a passion for program administration and teaching. She continues to embrace opportunities to strategize, design and deliver learning programs, explain complex concepts and give practical "how to" steps. Vernetta has spearheaded the development of the on-demand Cultivate the Writer (CTW) scholarly writing courses and instructional materials/services for commercial authors. Additionally, Vernetta has published a writing guide (I Am Not a Writer...I am Just in Graduate School: A Guide to Writing Critically, Clearly and Coherently) that is used as a textbook in graduate level writing and research-based courses.
Universities and Educational Funds